
Friday, August 14, 2009

Alarm scammers play with your security

Hey folks,

Got a story to tell and it may be enlightening. About 15 20 years ago I got a part time job with a national company selling alarm systems to the general public. I will not name the company I was working for. Anyway, they trained me to sell there alarm system and sent me out to sell. First to friends and family and then to other prospects. I was on a sales call and I had not made a sale yet when I called into the office with a question about the system. My office manager got a little short with me during the call. I guess because I did not make a sale yet he was upset. So, he told me to close the sale, he said quote, " your a locksmith, tell the customer locks dont work", unquote. Well I hung the phone up. I excused myself from the customer, packed up the system and went back to the office and went into the managers office and I quit. I told him that LOCKS DO WORK. They keep people out of areas. Or they slow them down. Well, he was not happy to hear that comment and I am sure my opinion was not needed.
Well a couple years later I hired a salesman to sell for my company in the late eighties. Our supplier was a high tech company with a cutting edge system. So, I needed training with set up and install so they sent a factory rep to our office and he stayed for three days to train me so I could train my techs. That went well and we moved on to the next phase of training which involved trips to a burb in the Boston area for sales training. Being a bus. owner that likes to know all aspects of my expansion into alarms I went with my salesman to one of the classes. At this point I was expecting to hear alot of stats on B&E's,retail loss prevention, and other technics for selling. To be fair, there was some of that. But, and here is the big but, the classes were geared to economics. It is called RMR. And for folks not in the know, it means RECURING MONTHLY REVENUE. I sat thru charts of income projections and what that would add up to if you sold this many of that and how you would move up to this if you sold that and crazy economic stuff. AS I may have stated before, I am a locksmith of 30 years, I am a secutity consultant, and I would believe myself to be a protector of the public trust in the security field. In my humble opinion, this was not protecting anyone but these alarm system companies economic futures. I smelled a scam, and as you know, WOLVES HAVE A GOOD SENSE OF SMELL. My salesperson was excited as he did see the dollar signs but did not know security. Needless to say, we installed a few systems and that was about it. I went back to selling physical security for the most part and kept people truly safe with locks and key control.
Well, that was twenty years ago,and these security alarm system companies still play this game. Do not be taken in. If someone wants to give you something for nothing,there is a reason. That reason is there bottom line, not your saftey and security. Anyway, having zone protection and detection is important as some folks that read this will say I am crazy saying alarms do not help. They do help and deter,and are a good part of security if used in concert with locks and detection deterents: PIR'r(passive infared detectors) and event capture(video cameras), security lighting automatic turn on and other things designed in to the whole to meet the specific needs of our customers.
I have thru the years come up with methods and products that truly work. Locks keep people out of areas or slow them down. Cameras do work for protecting and detering. And alarms also work when used with these other method as a whole system meathod of protecting. Security lighting is also very important.Also key control and pushbutton locks are very good. We live in the age of information and technolgy, with that in mind I opened up a new division of my Mobile one locksmith bus. It is called wolf security products. I research and find new products that will work for my customers. I test them first, and anaylize there use for my customers.
Better bus. bureau called me the other day and wanted me to join. They said because of my years in bus. and good service they wanted me to join up and use the insigna. I listened to there rep. for a half hour, knowing there would be a fee. I was thinking about 2 or 3 hundred dollars as the person told me all the bennies of the BBB. When I heard the cost it was more than I wanted to spend for them to speak well of me. I decided not to pay to be spoken well of, just to keep doing what I have been doing, honest and fair and good work. Anyway the point I really wanted to make was, she asked me how I came up with wolf security as a division of my company. I told her I was a husky owner and had two of these magnificant animals in my life. One I owned was a wolf cross and he has passed. I felt blessed to know him and learned much from him. He is still with me in spirit and will be forever. His spirit is the spirit of protection and knowing. So I named my company after him as an honor to a great loving protecting and helping spirit. I wish you all well and peace and protection. I can be reached at Thankyou.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Copper target of thieves

Palmer police probe break-in at National Grid substation on Blanchard Ave.
by The Republican Newsroom
Tuesday August 11, 2009, 6:00 PM

PALMER - Palmer police are investigating a break-in to a National Grid substation on Blanchard Street reported Tuesday morning.

Police said the culprits got inside the fence and stole approximately $100 worth of copper from the ground wires. This wasn't the first time the substation has been targeted by thieves looking for copper.

More details as they become available.

Wolf security news : Yes copper is valuable and theses thieves will be back. I would suggest and my company would install an event capture devise (video camera) sent in the building to a dvr. Now, if you had a work site with no inside ie: contractors work site we have a stnd alone camera with its own DVR and I would put that in an inconspicuaus place to catch the culprits. Also we have seen down thru the years that installing a camera on site will usually stop the attempt. A camera is a good deterent. Some time I will install a fake camera in full view, and hide the camera sending data. I can be reached at
