
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Perimeter Alert Systems

When we think security  for home or business the first place to consider is the outer perimeter. Whether you are protecting a home store front and back, an out door facility, or alleyway, you want to know early on there has been a breach.
  I like the wireless approach for easy installation and practicality. Many of the new systems will let you add more sensors so protecting a large part of your property is convenient. If you at question for placement, the end of a driveway, back yard area with a fence that someone could climb over, or near and alley way coming to your door are just a few suggestions. Many of these sensors are small enough to hide and concealment is your best form of detection. Also remember, these are detectors and not alarms, so there monitoring devices for the user. You can set the detectors to turn on lights on approach to your property and that may stop the advance of an intruder. A little innovation and thought goes along way in today's high tech world.

Once upon a time

  1. bzerbel says:
    911 SPECIAL
    Once upon a time there were 19 bad men. Some were from Saudi Arabia, some were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt and one was from Lebanon. One day as they were wandering around Afghanistan, they went into a cave where the mean Osama was living. They all decided it would be fun if they would go to the U.S., learn how to fly Boeing 757′s, go to airports, get on 4 different planes, take them over and fly them into buildings, setting the buildings on fire, thus causing them to collapse. The wise and evil Osama agreed.
    But there were problems. One said “how can we get into the U.S. since most of us are on terrorist watch lists”? The wise and evil Osama said, we will pray that Allah will cause those in charge in the U.S. to intervene and allow you into the U.S. Another said, “Since none of us know how to fly, how will we fly the 4, Boeing 757′s”? The wise and evil Osama said “you will go to the Pensacola Naval Air base and they will teach you how to fly a single engine plane”. “How will we take over the planes’? ” You will each carry a box cutter. Once you show the box cutter, then the several hundred passengers will cower in terror as you take over the planes”.
    After they did as they were told and all of the pieces fell into place, they did, indeed take over 4, Boeing 757′s, only carrying box cutters. And After only becoming mildly proficient in flying small engine planes and not being able to perform any complex maneuvers, the pilots miraculously performed aerobatic maneuvers that not even the most experienced jet pilots are able to perform. After they had taken over these 4 planes, they were all allowed to fly these planes around Washington, D.C. and the entire east coast without any challenge from the U.S. military. The wise and evil Osama arranged for NORAD to run a drill at the exact same time, with the exact same scenario, calling for a complete stand down of the U.S. air defense.
    Once they crashed their planes into buildings, more miracles happened. The jet fuel from 2 of the planes, normally burning at a maximum at 1800 degrees, magically heated up to almost 3000 degrees and melted not only the 47 steel columns in the core of the buildings, but all of the exterior steel as well. This was being done while people, braving the 3000 degree temperatures, still healthy and alive in the buildings, were begging for help at the blown out windows. Not even their clothes were burned. Then, as if by magic, first one, then the other skyscraper, fell down in 12 seconds.
    Meanwhile, the wise and evil Osama had still more miracles planned. The third plane performed an impossible maneuver and crashed only a few feet above the ground into the Pentagon building. Even though the plane was 125 feet wide, it managed to slam into a wall of the building and leave only a 16 foot hole. Then the evil and wise Osama made that plane disappear without a trace of debris. He even managed to preserve a book and a wooden table without any burns right next to the exploding jet fuel. He then arranged for more than 40 cameras that recorded the crash to either malfunction or be taken by the authorities.
    But the wise and evil Osama wasn’t through. The fourth plane was still flying around un opposed when brave passengers took over the plane. No, Osama didn’t explain why the brave passengers didn’t resist the evil man with the box cutter in the first place, but no matter. The wise and evil Osama then arranged for cell phone calls to be made from this jet liner flying at 500mph and cruising at 30,000 feet. This was indeed another miracle since this was never done before, nor since. Those brave passengers then decided not to try to fly the plane, they decided to crash it into a field. But the wise and evil Osama performed still another miracle. Even though the 4th plane crashed into a field, the plane’s debris was spread over 5 miles — almost as if the debris came from the sky above and not the ground below.
    Oh, but the wise and evil Osama had one more trick up his sleeve. Back in the city, where 2 steel skyscrapers had collapsed in their own footprint due to fire, a third skyscraper in the area also had a moderate fire going in a couple of its’ floors. This time the evil and wise Osama would announce his next evil miracle. He caused both the BBC and CNN to announced that this 3rd building had collapsed due to fire, even though it would not collapse for another 23 minutes. Then it did collapse, but to show the evil Osama was not totally evil, he arranged for this building with fires almost totally out, to collapse in its’ own footprint, so not to damage the surrounding area.
    There is a happy ending. All of the King’s soldiers and all of the King’s police and all of the King’s airport security officers and all of the King’s swat teams and all of the King’s stooges and all of the King’s dupes, lived happily ever after.
    Bruce New World Order News

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Apartment security

The Best Home Security For Apartments

The Best Home Security For Apartments Home security isn't just for private homes. Apartment dwellers also have lots of options to make their homes safer and more secure. While nothing is a guarantee, a few easy changes can go a long way toward deterring crime in your apartment.

Secure Doors

Doors need to open to let you get in and out of your apartment, leaving you with the challenge of making sure no unwanted guests can also enter your home. Here are some simple ideas for securing your apartment doors:
  • Doors made of solid metal or wood are the best choices. If you don't feel your door is adequate, ask your landlord if he or she would consider replacing it with something more substantial.
  • Every exterior door in your apartment should have a deadbolt lock in addition to a high quality doorknob lock.
  • Experts suggest a deadbolt with a one-inch minimum throw and a strike plate with three-inch minimum screws. Be sure the screws penetrate well into your doorframe. Installing more than one deadbolt will provide an additional deterrent. Most criminals will choose the door that looks the easiest for a break-in.
  • Glass in or near your door, while decorative, decreases your overall security because it is so easily broken. If your door has some glass, be sure it sits high enough (or your lock sits low enough) that no one could reach through the area and unlock your door. You may want to install metal bars or a grating over a large glass panel.
  • If your apartment has sliding patio or balcony doors, install a charley bar to prevent break-ins.
  • Your front door should have a wide-angle peephole so you can see who is outside before opening the door. A video surveillance system is an even better option.
Ready for Planting Finished Product

Window Security Options

Windows bring in sunlight, moonlight and fresh air; however, they are another area of vulnerability when it comes to apartment security. You can make your windows safer by installing:
  • Anti-lift hardware that doesn't allow windows to be lifted out
  • Blocking devices that keep windows from being opened more than six inches
  • Metal bars or gates.
Before installing bars, be sure to check the fire safety laws in your neighborhood, as window bars are illegal in some areas. Some window bars come equipped with a door you can open from the inside so you'll still be able to get out in an emergency.

Deterring Burglary with Sound: Exploring Alarm Systems

People have used alarm systems to protect their homes long before the discovery of electricity, and natural alarms are still very effective. One of the oldest and most reliable natural alarms is a barking dog. If your dog likes to bark when anyone comes near your home, that is enough to discourage many would-be prowlers.
Electronic alarm systems are another good way to protect your apartment. Not all alarm systems are equal, however. If you decide to invest in an electronic alarm, be sure to choose a system with:
  • A reputable, major company that you can trust
  • Both a silent alarm that notifies the police and an audible one to scare off burglars
  • Warning stickers you can put on every window and door.
If an alarm system isn't within your budget, just putting up alarm stickers can be enough to deter some crime. You may be able to buy convincing alarm stickers online or at your local hardware store.

Staying Safe in Your Apartment

Even with all the right anti-crime hardware in place, your apartment security still depends on you to a large degree. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and secure in your apartment:
  • Be sure your apartment intercom system is working and never buzz anyone in unless you are sure they belong in the building.
  • Before opening your door, always check to be sure you know who is out there. If you aren't positive the person ringing your bell is safe, don't open the door, and if the person refuses to leave, call the police.
  • Don't put your full name on the apartment nameplate.
  • If you walk into your apartment and it appears to be tampered with, don't stay and check things out. Leave right away and call the police.
  • Leave some lights on in your apartment when you are away. You may even want to have a radio or television playing. A timer is a great way to have lights and sound turn on and off at seemingly random intervals while you are out.
  • Lock your door and turn on any alarms whenever you leave the apartment, even if only for a short while. These devices are only effective if you use them.
  • Never leave a spare key outside your apartment.
  • Request identification from service technicians who come to your door.
  • Stop your mail delivery when you are on vacation.
  • Get to know your neighbors so you can look out for them and they for you.

Your Secure Future

With a few security additions and some good safety habits, your apartment can be a safe and enjoyable place for you  and your family