
Monday, November 9, 2009

Whats the real story at Fort Hood?

Reborn Patriot

CHECK out this COMMENT posted at Rawstory: HOW THE TRUTH IS USED AGAINST Americans…

By @…..-shooting/
Wake up

In Washington, a senior U.S. official said authorities at Fort Hood initially thought one of the victims who had been shot and killed was the shooter. The mistake resulted in a delay of several hours in identifying Hasan as the alleged assailant.”

The truth is probably something VERY different. For example:
‘Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so.
So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong.
Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprize the two consciencious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates’ barracks at Fort Hood.
During the mele their psychiatrist major Hasan, tried to talk the two privates into surrendering but he was shot twice.
Finally both privates were overcome and killed. Their psychiatrist major Hasan is in hospital recovering.’

Officials of the military have spun the story to make it seem the privates’ doctor (who has a muslim sounding name) was the perpetraitor so that the public does not understand just how much resistance there is to the middle east war in the military rank and file.

The whole official Fort Hood cover story is 98% a lie – just like 9/11. Do you trust the main stream media for the truth in a story like this? Heck, for any story.

Wolf security news will be following all aspects of this and other stories as it pertains to U.S. citizens saftey and security issues. It is getting harder to get the truth from the mainstream as the media is agenda driven and bought off.


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