
Monday, December 3, 2012

Police tell residents to lock your doors and prepare to defend your families

Lock Your Doors And Prepare To Defend Your Family
  • The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' Facebook
Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
December 3, 2012
Do you think that is an alarmist headline? Well, I am not the one saying this. Law enforcement authorities all over the country are telling citizens that they can no longer deal with all the crime and that people need to lock their doors and prepare to defend their families. Just recently, the city attorney of San Bernardino, California told citizens to “lock their doors and load their guns” because there is not enough money to pay for adequate police protection any longer. The murder rate in San Bernardino is up 50 percent this year, but the city is dealing with bankruptcy and has been forced to lay off 80 police officers. But San Bernardino is not the only city dealing with this kind of a thing. In Oakland, burglaries are up 43 percent so far this year, and to say that there is a “crime wave” going on in Oakland would be a massive understatement. If you can believe it, in Oakland “more than 11,000 homes, cars or businesses have been broken into so far this year – translating to about 33 burglaries a day.” Sadly, there simply are not enough police to keep up with it all. Due to budget cuts, it is being projected that by February the size of the police force in Oakland will be about 25 percent smaller than it was back in 2008. But what is happening in Detroit is perhaps even more frightening. Today there are about 1,000 fewer police officers in Detroit than there was a decade ago. But crime just continues to rise. So now even the police are telling people to “enter Detroit at your own risk“. With very little police protection, an increasing number of citizens are taking matters into their own hands. As I noted in a previous article, justifiable homicide in the city of Detroit increased by 79 percent in 2011, and the rate of self-defense killings in Detroit is approximately 2200 percent above the national average. But don’t laugh at what is happening in cities like San Bernardino, Oakland and Detroit. What is happening in those cities will be coming to your community soon enough.
From coast to coast, criminals are becoming increasingly bold and increasingly desperate. My sister lives near a large city in the middle part of the country, and a house across the street from the one her family just moved into was recently vandalized. The criminals took all of the exposed copper pipe and copper wire that could be accessed easily.
Other criminals have become very focused on gold because it has soared in value and it is easy to resell. For example, there have been more than 250 gold chain robberies in Stockton, California just since the month of April. According to the CBS News affiliate in Sacramento, criminals are just ripping these chains right off of the necks of unsuspecting citizens, and many of the victims that have tried to resist have ended up getting hurt. Normally the criminals sell off the jewelry within 24 hours, so solving these crimes is a real challenge…
Most victims of the robberies are female (65 percent), and 44 percent of victims are age 50 or older, the data showed. The most common time of day for the crimes were between 12 and 5 p.m., though this only accounts for about a third of the crime.
Parino said robbers took even police by surprise initially.
“When [criminals] do these crimes, they normally get rid of the items within 24 hours,” he said.
That’s why police are now checking up on secondhand stores and pawn shops on a weekly basis.
Many dismiss reports such as these as “anomalies”, but how many “anomalies” do we need before we finally admit that we have a widespread problem in our society?
Personally, there are many major U.S. cities that I would not want to be living right in the middle of right now.
Just take a look at Chicago. It has become one of the deadliest major cities on the entire globe. In recent years we have seen massive cuts to the police budget coupled with a dramatic increase in gang activity in Chicago.
The murder rate in Chicago is way up this year and the police force is massively outnumbered.
As I have written about previously, there are only about 200 police officers assigned to Chicago’s Gang Enforcement Unit. It is their job to handle the estimated 100,000 gang members living in the city.
How would you like to be outnumbered 100,000 to 200?
When things really hit the fan, Chicago is going to be a complete and utter nightmare.
And sometimes we get a peek into how people will behave when things break down. Just look at what happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
If you can believe it, some criminals actually took advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday to loot homes in the Breezy Point neighborhood of Queens. That was the neighborhood where approximately 100 homes burned down. The suffering of the residents of that neighborhood made headlines all over the nation. But that has not stopped criminals from moving in and taking advantage of their vulnerability…
Cops told the victims burglaries are on the rise in Breezy Point.
There were 14 home break-ins from Nov. 12 to Nov. 18, compared with none a year before.
And in the 28 days before that, there were 48 burglaries. Only four break-ins were reported in that time period the year before.
In the days after Sandy, some of the hardest-hit areas were plagued with store looting, home burglaries, street muggings and other crimes.
There are some very sick people out there. These days you simply do not know who you can trust. The person you meet on the street may be perfectly fine or they may be a total sicko. It is so hard to tell. But without a doubt there are a lot of sickos out there. Just check out what authorities in Pennsylvania found recently
Animal welfare workers say 11 puppies were found dead and skinned near an eastern Pennsylvania park.
Sadly, authorities in that area had come across another similar incident recently…
The discovery is second disturbing incident in the county in less than a week. About 20 miles away in Lynn Township police say a dog was discovered skinned and cooked.
Who would do such things?
What in the world is happening to this country?
Things are changing, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. As conditions shift, we are all going to have to carefully evaluate what is necessary to protect our families. Don’t ignore all of the warning signs. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that everything is going to be okay is not going to help anything.
So what do all of you think about all of this? Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below…

Friday, September 14, 2012

Uniden wireless personal security system

Personal video security

Greetings, my readers and friends and customers I would like to introduce you to a product I love. The video surveillance system by uniden. The reveiw today is on the model G455 and the G755. The difference between the models is the screen interface size. The G455 has a 4.3 inch screen while the G755 has a 7 inch screen. Technology is on the move and these systems prove that. The camers are 2.4 ghz sending a wireless signal to the interface screen which is a DVR recorder that the company provides with a 4 gig card. The camers record events in 2 min intervals and catologe it by camers name 1-4. The camers are set off when they see motion. The system comes with two cameras and has room to ad two more. The cameras see very good at night also. Set up is easy as camera wires are only for power so an outlet must by near by or extensions power wire will be needed.
  The company has a web site you can sighn in for a free access to view your cameras on the web with your PC. After you are setup you may watch you camers remotly on your computer or your android smart phone or iphone. Yes folks this system is what I call personal video security. So if your ready for a high tech system with out spending  thousands of dollars,check out personal video security by uniden wireless, you will be impressed.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spike in vehicle breakins

Westfield police report rash of vehicle break-ins, urge residents to lock their vehicles
WESTFIELD – Police, probing a rash of vehicle break-ins over the last month or so, urge residents to lock their vehicles - especially at night.

Lt. David Ragazzini, head of the detective bureau, said 37 such break-ins, mostly into unlocked vehicles, have been reported since June 12.

“We get a fair amount, but that is a pretty high number,” said Ragazzini. “For the most part they are unlocked vehicles with valuables left inside over night."

Such things as wallets, laptop computers and GPS systems have been taken. “It’s quick and easy and nobody locks their car,” Ragazzini said, adding that most of the break-ins involve vehicles parked in driveways or in front of residential properties.

The vehicle break-ins have been scattered throughout the city with clusters reported in the downtown area and in neighborhoods off Western Avenue and East Mountain Road.

Police from a number of other Western Massachusetts communities, including Southwick and South Hadley, have reported a spike in vehicle break-ins.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to reinforce entry doors

I am posting the most basic of security for our outter doors. Installation of a good deadlock and screws that reach the studs are very important for door security. I have been to a few break ins that I would just remove the lock which was not even damaged in the break-in. The door would then need heavy repair or replacement to complete the job. Yes, and the old undamaged lock returned to the door if it was a heavy duty lock, with a new heavy striker plate and long screws to reach the studs.
  So with a wood framed door, the strength is in the striker with the long heavy duty screws. Also for security sake do not skimp on a lower grade 3 lock for the big box chains. They are un-keyable and their srike plates are cheap.

Step 1: Overview

I never realized how easy it is to kick in a solid door that has old hardware until I tried it on our demonstration door. With two kicks in only five seconds, I destroyed the doorjamb and was in the house.
You need to upgrade the deadbolt and lockset plates of your exterior doors if you haven’t already done so. FBI burglary statistics show that 65 percent of break-ins occur by forcing in the front, back or garage service door (not to mention the 12 percent of entries where burglars find your “hidden” key or simply walk in through an unlocked door).
In this story, we’ll show you how to strengthen your exterior doors in three ways. We’ll replace an old deadbolt with a quality Grade 1 deadbolt. Then, we’ll replace the deadbolt strike plate with a four-screw strike box and faceplate—attached with 3-in. wood screws that reach the wall frame. Finally, we’ll replace the lip strike plate and its wimpy 3/4-in. screws with 3-in. wood screws. We’ll also show you a handy method to turn a small deadbolt hole into a larger hole.
The techniques we show in this article will work on any type of exterior door. But keep in mind that these techniques may not be as effective if you have glass sidelight windows or large glass panels in your doors.
For this project, you need only basic carpentry tools, as well as a 2-1/8 in. hole saw bit and a 1-in. spade bit (check the deadbolt packaging for the exact bit size required). Home centers usually carry deadbolt installation kits with the right size bits.

Step 2: Check all exterior doors

A secure entry starts with a solid door and a Grade 1 or Grade 2 deadbolt with a solid 1-in. long throw bolt (see “Buying a Deadbolt”). Any exterior door that only has a lock in the doorknob isn’t secure. A sturdy screwdriver or small pry bar can quickly bow the doorjamb enough to release the latch.
Check your existing deadbolt. First, make sure the screws are tight. Open the door and extend the throw bolt. If it extends less than 1 in., or if it’s wobbly, a new deadbolt will be more secure.
Next, check the doorjamb and both strike plates. Remove the screws from the deadbolt and lockset strike plates on the door frame. If the screws aren’t 3 in. long, replace them, and also upgrade both plates. (Note: Use shorter screws if sidelight windows are less than 3 in. from the doorjamb.) These longer screws will reinforce the doorjamb, which is a vulnerable spot.

Step 3: Replace the deadbolt

Begin by removing the old deadbolt. Almost all types are held by two screws on the interior side of the door and two screws on the faceplate (Photo 1). Measure the cylinder hole size and the “backset” distance, that is, the distance from the center of the hole to the door edge (Photo 1). You’ll need these dimensions when you purchase a new deadbolt.
Photo 2 shows how to enlarge a deadbolt hole using scrap lumber, a task that is only necessary if your new deadbolt is too big to fit the existing hole (the normal size for a cylinder hole is 2-1/8 in.). The scrap board engages the center guide bit of the hole saw and keeps the new hole centered. Otherwise, you can’t get a clean and accurate cut.
To find the starting point for the hole saw bit, clamp the scrap board to the door and mark both the vertical and the horizontal center of the new cylinder hole. Make sure to hold the drill level and straight so the hole saw bit doesn’t bind and jerk your wrist and arm. If you don’t have a full-depth hole saw bit, chip the wood away from a partially drilled hole, then continue drilling. Go slow so you don’t splinter the opposite side when the bit goes through the door.
Now clean up the hole and test-fit the deadbolt. If the throw-bolt hole (which runs from the cylinder hole to the door edge) is too small, clean it out with a file. Make sure the attached throw-bolt strike plate fits flush (Photo 3), then attach the bolt followed by the deadbolt cylinder. Hand-drive the screws; a power drill may strip the threads.
Odds of Home Burglary*
Your house is at greater risk if:
  • It sits on a corner lot (more visible to a browsing burglar and a natural place to stop and ask for directions)
  • It is located close to a major highway exit (less than 1 mile)
  • It is located on a through street, which gives a burglar a quicker escape (dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs are safer)
  • It borders a wooded area or playground (provides concealed access for burglars)
  • It is in a wealthier neighborhood
  • It features no signs of young children living there (burglars avoid as someone may be home)
  • It was recently purchased (burglars know you haven’t yet developed close familiarity with neighbors)
Effective burglary deterrents:*
  • Burglar alarm installed
  • Deadbolt locks on all doors
  • House is occupied
  • Newspaper and mail picked up
  • Lights and noise (TV, radio) inside house (set on timer when gone)
  • Car in the driveway
  • Motion-activated exterior lights
  • Dog in the house
(*Taken from a research study, “Knowing Your Odds: Home Burglary and the Odds Ratio,” by S. Hakim, G. Renger and Y. Shachamurove, City College of New York and University of Pennsylvania, Sept. 2000)

Step 4: Replace the lockset strike plate

To further reinforce the doorjamb, install a new plate in place of the old lip strike plate that serves the doorknob lockset. Attach it with 3-in. screws. Make sure the screwheads seat flush with the face of the strike plate. We used No. 8 x 3-in. screws. No. 10 x 3-in. screws (used for the deadbolt plate) were too large. Remember to angle the screws back slightly to be sure to catch the framing (Figure A). Again, you may have to chisel a slightly larger mortise and predrill to drive the screws.
Old verses new deadbolts
Old verses new deadbolts
Buying a Deadbolt
Most people choose a deadbolt for its color or finish, but when entry security is paramount, the critical deadbolt feature is its grade. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) subjects all locks and components to attacks by hammers, saws, wrenches and other tools. Then it grades the lock: Grade 1 (best and toughest), Grade 2 or Grade 3.
Most locks you find in home centers and hardware stores are Grade 2 or 3. Some Grade 2 locks may list Grade 1 components on the package, but that doesn’t give the lock a Grade 1 rating. However, Grade 2 is still a good-quality lock for residential use. We only found one fully compliant Grade 1 deadbolt in local home centers and hardware stores. Professional locksmiths also are a good resource to find Grade 1 deadbolts.
Before you shop for a deadbolt, measure the hole size where the current cylinder fits, as well as the “backset” distance from the center of the cylinder hole to the edge of the door (Photo 1, Step 3). Most new deadbolts require a 2-1/8 in. cylinder hole, but some of them have inserts to fit the smaller 1-1/2 in. hole, so you don’t have to drill to enlarge the hole (Photo 2, Step 3).
The backset distance is usually either 2-3/8 or 2-3/4 in., so make sure the new deadbolt has the identical backset. Most new locks are adjustable to fit either backset dimension. Just read the box carefully (you may have to open it and read the directions to find the information).
Also decide whether to buy a single cylinder (keyed on exterior side of lock only) or a double cylinder deadbolt (keyed on both sides). Check local building codes too, as they may prohibit double cylinder locks for fire safety reasons (it’s more difficult to escape because you must have the key).

Step 5: Replace the deadbolt strike plate

Install a heavy-duty strike plate to strengthen the doorjamb. We didn’t use the strike plate that came with the deadbolt. We opted for a more secure strike box plate that features four screws instead of two. (Two screws are installed inside the strike box to add strength; see Photo 6.) Mark the center of the old deadbolt strike plate (Photo 1), then temporarily install the new faceplate and deeply score around it to mark its position (Photo 2).
Next, remove the plate, then chisel and drill out space for both the new plate and the strike box. If the strike box is larger than the existing hole, use a 1-in. spade bit to bore two holes, spaced apart the width and the depth of the box (Photo 3).
Now remove the wood with a wood chisel to fit both the strike box plate and the faceplate (Photo 4). Be sure to use the wood chisel with the bevel side against the wood to keep from gouging too deep.
Finally, mount the plate and box and attach them with four 3-in. screws (Photo 5). Predrill pilot holes into the wall studs to make the screws easier to drive. Set the screws snug to the plate; overdriving might bow the jamb.
Now, kick back and rest a little easier, knowing you’ve made your home more secure.
Figure A: Doorjamb Cutaway
Figure A: Doorjamb Cutaway
Figure A: Doorjamb Cutaway
Three-inch screws will go through the frame and penetrate the wall studs 1-1/2 to 2 in. Angle the screws back slightly into the wall to make sure they hit the studs. The studs become the primary door reinforcement, not the jamb.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DI 2000s driveway informer

The Driveway Informer Di2000S-A

The latest technology manufactured in the USA within strict military manufacturing guidelines

The Di2000S-A is wireless driveway alarms kit that ships with sensor/transmitter and a plug-in receiver. The sensor uses Passive Infrared Technology (PIR) which means heat and movement must trigger the sensor. This helps to eliminate false alarms other sensors are vulnerable to like shadows, headlights, rain, etc. The sensor is capable of transmitting a wireless signal of up to 2,000 feet to the receiver/speaker. Terrain, building materials, and other environmental factors will decrease the transmission range.
This system was designed to alert when movement is detected within the detection zone, but may be placed anywhere. For example, you can place a sensor outside over your storage shed or barn to alert you when someone approaches the door. Retail stores can use the sensor to alert customers when someone enters the store.
The receiver will play one of four tones set by the transmitter. For example, you can place a sensor on the driveway and when it detects movement, the receiver plays a “ding” tone. You could set another transmitter/sensor on another area and when it detects movement, it can play a “dong” tone. This enables you to distinguish which sensor is triggered. You also have the ability to add as many receivers to the system as you want thus increasing the listening area of the set.
If you are a looking for an indoor entrance alert, you may be interested in the DA50L-A Wireless Entrance Alert Set. These products are compatible with each other. The key differences are that the sensor on the Di2000S-A is weatherproof and emits a straight line as a detection zone whereas the DA50L-A emits more of wider detection zone.
The Di2000T-A (Transmitter/Sensor)

The Di2000T-A is an outdoor rated PIR based transmitter that detects any movement within the detection zone. The sensor shoots out a invisible signal that is approximately 1' x 1' at 25 feet to 2' x 2' at a distance of 50 feet. Ideally you would mount the sensor so it could shoot a mean across your driveway or other area you want to monitor. When the automobile passes through the detection zone, the sensor sends the wireless signal to the plug-in receiver/speaker in your home.
The transmitter/sensor consumes very little and ships with a 9-volt battery. Located inside the cover are six dip-switches (numbered 1-6) which allow you to pair it with receivers and determine which of the four available tones it will signal.
The Di2000R-A (Receiver/Speaker)

The DI2000R is a receiver/speaker that is not weatherproof and is powered by a plug-in 12VDC power supply (w/ 6 foot cord.) The receiver can sit on a table or may be easily mounted with factory - drilled mounted holes located on the backside of the speaker.
The receiver also features a resettable counter triggered by the sensors that are paired to it. Like the sensors, the receiver/speaker also features 6 dip-switches which are located on the back of the unit. Dip switches numbered 1-4 must match transmitter/sensors you want to pair with the speaker, number 5 controls the output of the 12VDC terminals on the back of the receiver (with a one second or five second 12VDC output) and dip switch number 6 is for future use.
Dip switch 5 controls the output of the 12V DC terminal screws on the receiver. The provides power for accessories that use 12 Volts like buzzers, horns, sirens, strobes or anything other 12VDC powered devices. The unit also features an external speaker terminal (SPKR) screws which will allow you to add an auxiliary speaker. A volume control knob adjusts volume on receiver and auxiliary speaker.
How it Works

Both transmitter and receiver have antennas that allow 360 degree rotation and pull away from sides of boxes. For best results in communication between transmitter and receiver it is ideal for the antennas to be on the same plane. Example: (If one antenna is pointing up in the vertical position, then the other antenna should be pointing up also. If one antenna is in the horizontal position, then the other antenna needs to be horizontal and pointing at each other for optimum reception). When it comes to distance in communication between transmitter and receiver environmental condition need to be considered. Line of sight without obstacles is ideal. Every tree, bush, fence, car, building in direct line of sight will reduce communication between units. These units should give you approximately 2000’ range between transmitter and receiver, In some cases you may get a distance of to 3000’. You may also add additional transmitters to one receiver or additional receivers to one transmitter.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Day prayer returned to school

Columbine Student’s father 12 years later
Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.
They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness…

The following is a portion of the transcript:
“Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.
“The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain’s heart.
“In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA – because I don’t believe that they are responsible for my daughter’s death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel’s murder I would be their strongest opponent.
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy — it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.
> Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
> Your words are empty air.
> You’ve stripped away our heritage,
> You’ve outlawed simple prayer.
> Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
> And precious children die
> You seek for answers everywhere,
> And ask the question “Why?”
> You regulate restrictive laws,
> Through legislative creed..
> And yet you fail to understand,
> That God is what we need!
“Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation’s history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine’s tragedy occurs — politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties… We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.”
“As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA — I give to you a sincere challenge…Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!”
”My daughter’s death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen again.”
Darrell Scott

Do what the media did not — let the nation hear this man’s speech. Please send this out to everyone you can.
God Bless

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Security in the future will be in small communities

A Shrinking Trust Horizon – And Hard Times In The City
  • The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' Facebook

John Rubino
Dollar Collapse

January 29, 2012
Nicole Foss, who under the pen name ‘Stoneleigh’ co-edits the Automatic Earth website, just did a long-form interview with an Italian magazine where she lays out her peak energy, societal collapse thesis in the coherent, accessible way that fans of her writing have come to expect. One part was especially interesting:
When you have economic contraction you also have a substantial contraction of the trust horizon. This deprives political institutions at the national and international level of the trust that would give them political legitimacy. They become stranded assets from a trust perspective. People no longer internalize the rules that those institutions are attempting to impose. The response is typically surveillance, coercion, and repression. This picture basically suggests that it is pointless to look for solutions from the top down. It is not solutions that will come from the top down but more problems.
So politicians typically make a bad situation worse as expensively as possible. The systems that we have established have become sclerotic and unresponsive, hostage to vested interests with no ability to adapt quickly to give people abilities to cope with rapid change. I don’t look for solutions from them. The people who are part of that system are typically the people who have gained significant amounts from the status quo. These are the last people who are likely to change things, so I don’t look for political actions.
In many parts of the world, especially in parts of Europe, people always ask me if they should take political action, change their policies at a national level to solve these problems. And I tell them unfortunately not because there isn’t any mechanism for these large bureaucratic institutions to offer anything that would realistically help, and that they‘re far more likely to try to maintain their own existence by sucking even more resources out of the periphery in order to maintain the center.
This is a bit like when a body becomes hypothermic, not enough heat. It shuts off circulation to the fingers and toes in order to preserve the body temperature of the core. That’s what we can expect politicians and political systems to do. Unfortunately for us, we are the fingers and toes and we have to look after ourselves. Nothing is coming from the top.
My solutions, such as they are, are grassroots solutions. We have to build things from the bottom up. Our centralized life support systems will fail over time because they’re critically dependent on tax revenues that won’t be there and cheap energy that won’t be there. These centralized systems won’t be able to deliver the goods and services we’ve come to rely on.
What we need are alternatives that come from the bottom up. The reason these work is because they operate within the trust horizon. They don’t have to stay small. They can grow to whatever size the trust supports and that can be different in different places. The crucial thing is that they come from the bottom up, they’re small and responsive and not bureaucratic, they make the best use of very small amounts of resources because they don’t have enormous administrative overhead.
It’s amazing what can be done at a very small scale. It wouldn’t replace what the centralized services have given us, but we can cover the basics. The key point is that we have to do it right now because we don’t have much time before we start to see centralized systems failing to deliver what they have delivered in the past. The amount of money in the system can contract very quickly. That undercuts what these centralized systems are capable of delivering in the next few years. So we must start right now building grass roots initiatives, and community is crucial to that.
We need to begin at the individual level because if we are on a solid foundation ourselves we can then help others. If we are not then our attempt to help others is fundamentally weakened. So we have to get our own house in order but then we have to think much more broadly. We must build community. Relationships of trust are the foundation of society. So we need to work with our neighbors, we need to know our neighbors and we need connections with family and community so we’re less dependent on money.
In many parts of the world where people really don’t have any money anyway, their society functions on barter and gifts, working together, exchanging skills. This works as a model. It doesn’t get you a large fancy sophisticated industrial society because it doesn’t scale up that well. But it works very well at a small scale, and this is the kind of structure that we need to rebuild.
In some parts of the world there’s a lot more of that than in other parts. So it’s actually interesting to think that it’s not necessarily the places that are the wealthiest at the moment that will do best in the future.
The analogy I use is that if you’re going to fall out of a window how much it hurts when you hit the ground depends on how many floors up you were at the time. If you were on the hundredth floor and you do nothing to prepare before you fall it’s going to be fatal. If you’re much further down it’s less painful. If you fell out of a ground floor window you might not even notice. You just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and not very much has changed.
So the places that will do best are the places where there is already a lot of trust at the foundational level, where people are used to working together, where people are not that far removed from the land. Places where there’s an enormous disconnect between resources that are available in that area and what resources that are actually used, where societies are highly atomized and used to a very high standard of living, those places will see enormous shock to the system because those people don’t have any skills or connection to land or family to fall back on.
Some thoughts
Viewed through a “trust horizon” lens, a lot of global and national institutions are indeed becoming “stranded assets”. Who outside of the New York Times editorial department trusts the European Union or the Federal Reserve these days? How many people still think the companies selling processed food or advertising prescription drugs on TV have their customers’ welfare at heart? Virtually no one who can read.
If you need an excuse to get to know your neighbors or generally get involved in the local community, this is it.
Big modern cities are the 100-story windows in Foss’ analogy. Life there is going to get very hard very fast if her systemic failure predictions come true. Conversely, small towns with thriving farmers markets and lots of roof-top solar panels will find the next couple of decades relatively less stressful. As Foss says later in the interview, “If you psychologically prepare for a much lower material standard of living in advance, it doesn’t have to be anywhere nearly as painful.”
Click here to watch full video interview

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 and beyond

Yes my friends,2012 is here and most folks ya talk with, seem alittle apprehensive about the future. Its hard not to blame people with the economy not recovering, food prices rising, and general unrest all over the world, including the US. I have talked with people and I know that security is on there minds. To stay secure in your person is elemental part of our inherent list of needs. Staying in touch with family and friends in a crisis can be crucial. Last year we in the northeast were hit by hurricane micro bursts,tornado's,severe early snow storms and earthquakes. I guess you could say somethings pissed. Well, I am in fear of pissed planets so this year I anit doing nothing to make the earth mad. I ain't taking paper or plastic, I am gonna use the reusable. I'm gonna plant as much food and trees as I'm allowed. I'm gonna always speak for energy that's new and clean. I'm gonna make it known I want outta war for good. I am only gonna spend my money on things to keep the family safe.
  Yes, a generator and a store of water and canned goods for storage. Any thing bought I will try and make sure it has a use for me and family to keep us safe and alive and thriving. So my friends, that too me makes sense for the coming new year. Have a happy and safe 2012, for it is the future that has arrived